2021 GBWGC Winter Trophy
and AGM
In a place and time far away, there once was a golf tournament called the Winter Cup. It is said that the victors write the history. In the case of the Winter Cup 2020/21 nothing could be further from the truth. What follows is an account cobbled together by a total loser, based on faded notes, distant memories and ancestral stories handed down over the generations. The facts are most likely in some small way represented faithfully; the chronology not so much. |
Sunday: This was the only day of the whole shooting match where decent weather prevailed.
Everpresent Q of L |
Six starters assembled at the familiar Secret Harbour layout to see if they could generate any momentum for the serious stuff on Monday and Tuesday. Litts, Ron and Les headed straight for the Binningup clubhouse, confident in the fact that they didn’t require any fine tuning of their respective games.
The Washup: 1st Jacko (39), 2nd Walks (37), 3rd Squancey (35), NAGA Scobes (13), NTPs – Tom, Macca: Long drives – Walks, Tom. Plenty of positive stuff here for the coming days (except for Scobes).
Having repaired to the Clubhouse and the non-players heavily sledged by those who had had a hit on the way down, a Chinese feast was conjured up by Litts. All were very appreciative. A formal discussion on the format for the weekend (or whatever you call Sunday, Monday, Tuesday) decided that the Winter Cup would be decided by counting the final 9 (Capel) plus the best 2 other 9s.
Macca won at cards (really!)
Monday – The Cut
Big traditional Jacko Breakfast before heading out. Looked like some warm food in the belly would be a good thing as the weather deteriorated by the hour |
Assembly at the 10th tee was orderly, with
carts lined up as if to indicate a day of
precision and quality golf |
The first group made it to the 18th tee before the heavens opened and the gale force winds struck. Promising score cards were trashed (some even dissolved in the rain). Six players pushed on into the ever increasing tempest, while three gentlemen decided that it was all too much. They retired to The Cut clubhouse and thence to the actual club house. Names have not been used in this telling of events because of the stigma associated with such un-GBWGClike behaviour.
The two groups of 3 who continued to play paid a terrible price. Soaked to the skin and freezing cold they persisted in the true traditions of the GBWGC – guts and determination personified.
In a further display of un-GBWGClike behaviour, two players completed their rounds and not only had to deal with hypothermia, but also the realization that their “mates” had pissed off back to the clubhouse and left them to fend for themselves. Good Sammy Squance saved the day by managing to squeeze 3 sodden persons plus gold bags into a car little bigger than a shoebox and deliver all safely to Binningup.
”What happened to you guys? Where have you been?” “Get f#*@ed” was the instant reply.
After everyone had dried off (except those who barely got wet), the usual afternoon frivolity (sleeping etc, ensued).
Just to show how far the club had strayed from its roots, a charcuterie board was served up as a substitute for a proper meal – go figure. The AGM was held after “dinner” (see separate report and minutes).

Charcuterie in the Shed
Black tie dinner guest |
The Washup: 1st Walks, 2nd Les(ter), 3rd Jacko on countback from former workmate and friend Squancey. Ron doubled up with the NAGA and NTP; Jacko and Walks snared LDs.
DNF: Litts, Tom and Ron (enough said).
Day 3 – Capel
The day dawned with a forecast of 125km/h winds. Anyone in their right mind would obviously stay home and watch the Olympics in such conditions. That’s what Ron, Litts, Tom (a familiar list) and Scobes decided was the intelligent thing to do. OK OK, that list of names and the epithet “intelligent” could raise the odd eyebrow.
In any event, the remaining intrepid bunch of Walks, Macca, Jacko, Squancey and Les (obviously, because he was a chance to win the Cup) headed off for Capel. They returned with scornful tales of no lost balls, light breezes and other crap which the, by now, half pissed holiday takers treated with disdain. Yet another day characterized by cohesion, camaraderie and goodwill had come to an end.
The big dinner was BIG, particularly the steaks which were also very tender. No complaints.
The evening was highlighted by a rendition of several pop favourites by the maestro, Les. There was a bit of a singalong as well, but it sounded much better when everyone else just shut up |
The golfing outcome for the day, though of minor interest, by this stage was as follows:
1st Les with 42 points (the author calls BS on that score); 2nd Macca (35) and 3rd Walks (32).
NTPs – Walks and Squancey; LDs – Walks and Walks. Walks and Jacko both had birdies. Based on all that, how did Walks not win the day or even come 2nd?
Overall – Winter Cup
1st Les (62); 2nd Walks (50); 3rd Squancey (48)
A totally surprised Les accepts the Winter Cup trophy from multi office bearer Tom |
*******One final highlight was that Macca got flogged at cards.
Y’all come back now, hear?